
Red meat consumption tied to elevated diabetes risk, Harvard study suggests

Harvard researchers have unveiled a critical link between the consumption of red meat and the heightened risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Their comprehensive analysis, spanning over three decades and involving more than 216,000 adults, indicates that consuming even two servings of red meat weekly could substantially amplify diabetes risk.

Red meat consumption tied to elevated diabetes risk, Harvard study suggests

The study, which recently appeared in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that those with the highest red meat intake faced a staggering 62% greater likelihood of developing the disease compared to minimal consumers. Notably, processed meats presented a greater threat than their unprocessed equivalents, with daily servings of the former escalating diabetes risk by 46%.

However, it’s not all bleak news. By substituting red meat with healthier alternatives like plant-based proteins, the risk could be curtailed. Xiao Gu, the study’s lead author from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, emphasizes the protective attributes of nuts and legumes, which could slash the diabetes peril by up to 30%. Dairy consumption was also seen to mitigate the risk, lowering it by 22%.

While red meat consumption remains a divisive topic in dietary circles, Gu is keen to stress the rigor and thoroughness of their research methodology. “We meticulously accounted for possible discrepancies in dietary reporting and rigorously controlled for external variables,” he noted in a conversation with Fox News Digital.

Gu also highlights the renowned health advantages associated with the Mediterranean diet, recognized for its minimal red meat content. Echoing the study’s recommendations, he advises limiting red meat to a maximum of two servings weekly and even then, the lesser the better.

Given that an alarming 11.3% of the U.S. population, or approximately 37.3 million Americans, had diabetes as of 2019 according to the American Diabetes Association, this research offers a timely directive. “Replacing red meat with healthier plant-based sources not only diminishes diabetes risk but also augments overall global health,” concludes Gu.

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